
About RRT

The Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania (CRA) is an independent state institution regulating electronic communications, postal, rail markets and as well as performing supervision of trust service providers. RRT is the national regulatory authority of the Republic of Lithuania in accordance with the legal acts of the European Union regulating public relations related to the subject matter of the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Electronic Communications, the Postal Law of the Republic of Lithuania and the Railway Transport Code of the Republic of Lithuania.

RRT MISSION. To ensure effective competition, investment, innovation and a variety of consumer-friendly  services in the areas of electronic communications, postal services, railway transport, trust services. RRT also seeks to ensure that charges for the provision of public sector data are reasonable.

HISTORY OF RRT. RRT was established in 2001. RRT main task was to harmonise the national communications regulatory system with the EU package of telecommunications regulation.

RRT MANAGEMENT. As of 1 May 2022, the management structure of RRT has changed.

RRT is managed and decisions on issues within RRT competence are taken by the collegial management body of the Communications Regulatory Authority – the Council of CRA. The Council consists of five members. The Chairman and four members of the Council are appointed by the President of the Republic on the recommendation of the Prime Minister for a term of 5 years. For the first time after the entry into force of the Law on Electronic Communications of the Republic of Lithuania, two members of the Council shall be appointed for a term of 3 years.  The same person may be appointed as the Chairman or member of the Council for a maximum of two consecutive terms, unless a member of the Council has been appointed for a term of three years, and in that case he may apply for three consecutive terms.

RRT HUMAN RESOURCES. 2022 RRT has 164 employees: 74 women and 90 men. The average age of RRT employees is 46 years. 7 RRT employees have a doctoral degree.

Updated on 2023-07-14