Representatives of the Electronic communications and Post regulatory authorities of the Baltic states shared their experience in the field of market regulation during the annual meeting (2018 August 28 d.)
An annual meeting of the representatives of the national regulatory authorities of the Baltic States took place at the Communications Regulatory Authority (RRT) on 23-24 August 2018.
RRT skelbia pašto rinkos 2018 m. II ketvirčio duomenis (2018 September 12 d.)
Lietuvos Respublikos ryšių reguliavimo tarnyba (RRT) skelbia pašto rinkos 2018 m.
Raimonda Purvienė
Marijus Balnys
Pijus Tarutis
Reglamento (ES) 2018/644 įgyvendinimas
Daiva Rasa Sarulienė
Valstybės tarnautojas, einantis šias pareigas, vykdo šias funkcijas:Apdoroja su priežiūra ir (ar) kontrole susijusią informaciją arba prireikus koordinuoja susijusios informacijos apdorojimą.
Elektroninio parašo ir elektroninio spaudo galiojimas
Europos Parlamento ir Tarybos reglamente (ES) Nr.
Supervision of charges
The rates of charges for minimum access package for the services provided by the Public Railway Infrastructure Manager are set by Order No 2BE-232 “On Setting the Rates of Charges for Minimum Access Package” of the Transport safety administration of Lithuania of 11 December 2017.