Representatives of the Electronic communications and Post regulatory authorities of the Baltic states shared their experience in the field of market regulation during the annual meeting (2018 rugpjūčio 28 d.)
An annual meeting of the representatives of the national regulatory authorities of the Baltic States took place at the Communications Regulatory Authority (RRT) on 23-24 August 2018.
Internet Hotline
Please report to RRT Internet Hotline the encountered content related to pornography, sexual exploitation of children, cyberbullying, violence, racial or national hostility.
Ataskaitų teikimas
Pašto paslaugos teikėjai privalo RRT pateikti ketvirtines ataskaitas apie vykdytą pašto paslaugos veiklą.
RRT publishes an activity report for 2019 (2020 gegužės 4 d.)
The Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania (RRT) publishes its annual activity report describing the most important works fulfilled in 2019, as well as market trends.
RRT announces an auction for granting the right to use radio frequencies from the 700 MHz radio frequency band (2021 spalio 25 d.)
On 25 October 2021, the Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania (RRT) has announced an auction for granting the right to use radio frequencies (channels) from the 713-733 MHz and 768-88 MHz radio frequency bands.
RRT pradeda vykdyti Dvynių projektą Ukrainoje (2019 rugsėjo 11 d.)
Lietuvos Respublikos ryšių reguliavimo tarnyba (RRT) nuo 2019 rugsėjo 8 d.
Veiksminga konkurencija Lietuvos sektoriuose – mūsų siekiamybė (2022 spalio 14 d.)
Šiandien, 2022 m.
Minske vykusių derybų metu derinti techniniai radijo dažnių naudojimo klausimai (2019 birželio 21 d.)
2019 m.