ERGP calls on postal operators to review the fees charged for items sent to Ukraine (2022 kovo 9 d.)
On 8 March 2022, the European Group of Postal Regulators (ERGP), which also includes RRT as an active member, has called on postal operators to lower or abolish fees charged by them for sending parcels, including individual postal items containing medicine and humanitarian aid to Ukraine.
Reports on the Situation of European Internet Networks during COVID-19 – on the RRT Website (2020 balandžio 15 d.)
The Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania (RRT) wishes to inform you that the electronic communications regulatory authorities of the European Union have started collecting and sharing information on internet capacity and traffic loads during the COVID-19 pandemic in European states.
RRT patikslino pašto rinkos 2017 m. IV ketvirčio duomenis (2018 kovo 22 d.)
RRT, gavusi papildomus duomenis iš pašto rinkos dalyvių, patikslino pašto rinkos 2017 m.
RRT continues consultations over the development of 5G radio communication (2018 spalio 3 d.)
03 October 2018, Vilnius.
Ataskaitų teikimas
Pašto paslaugos teikėjai privalo RRT pateikti ketvirtines ataskaitas apie vykdytą pašto paslaugos veiklą.
RRT teisės aktų paieška
Representatives of the Electronic communications and Post regulatory authorities of the Baltic states shared their experience in the field of market regulation during the annual meeting (2018 rugpjūčio 28 d.)
An annual meeting of the representatives of the national regulatory authorities of the Baltic States took place at the Communications Regulatory Authority (RRT) on 23-24 August 2018.
Internet Hotline
Please report to RRT Internet Hotline the encountered content related to pornography, sexual exploitation of children, cyberbullying, violence, racial or national hostility.
Time stamps
Purpose of time stamps According to the eIDAS Regulation – electronic time stamp means data in electronic form which binds other data in electronic form to a particular time establishing evidence that the latter data existed at that time.